This site includes Education about Synthetic Drugs, Addiction, Mental Health, Narcan Training and Overall Wellness
The Emotional Wellness dimension involves one’s ability to express feelings, adjust to emotional challenges, cope with stress, and enjoy life. This can include knowing your strengths, what you would like to improve on, as well as living and working on your own, but allowing others to help out from time to time. This can be accomplished through counseling, self-help groups, or even different types of yoga and meditation.
Counseling - https://www.oswego.edu/counseling-services/group-counseling, https://www.integrativecounseling.us/
Self-Help Groups - https://www.oswegocounty.com/departments/human_services/mental_hygiene/support_and_education_self-help_groups.php
Yoga and Meditation - https://www.blossomyogaandwellness.com/, https://www.peacefulremediesoswego.com/
The Spiritual Wellness dimension is a concept that represents one’s personal beliefs and values. This involves having meaning, purpose, and a sense of balance and peace within. It can also include recognizing your search for meaning and purpose in human existence; and developing an appreciation for life and the natural forces that exist in the universe.
Houses of Worship - https://www.oswegony.org/live/houses-of-worship
Grief Counseling - https://health.oswegocounty.com/programs/1_hospice/bereavement.php
Meditation - https://www.peacefulremediesoswego.com/
The Intellectual Wellness dimension is all about keeping our brains active and our intellect expanding. This dimension can involve looking at different perspectives of an issue and taking them into consideration. This can be done through a number of activities from learning about current World events, to organizing game nights in your home or community center - you can broaden your perspective and understand diverse points of view.
Classes and Workshops - https://www.oswegoarts.org/adult-classes/
Bookclubs - https://oswegopubliclibrary.org/oswego-public-library-book-club/, https://alumni.oswego.edu/
Colleges - https://ww1.oswego.edu/, https://www.cayuga-cc.edu/, https://www.sunyocc.edu/
Community Education - https://www.citiboces.org/
Brain Games and Mind Teasers - https://sharpbrains.com/brainteasers
Physical Wellness means a healthy body, good physical health habits, nutrition, exercise, and appropriate health care. A few ways you can get there might be choosing things that make your body feel good and trimming back on the things that can bring us down. You may also feel better creating a routine that balances activity with inactivity, and that is manageable within your personal obligations and needs. Our bodies are intelligent, and learning to listen to them a bit more deeply is very important and empowering.
The Environmental Wellness dimension involves being able to be safe and feel safe. This could include accessing clean air, food, and water, preserving the areas where you live, learn, and work, and occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support your well being. This can be accomplished by recycling whenever possible, and buying recycled products .
Recycling - https://www.oswegocounty.com/departments/infrastructure_facilities_and_technology/solid_waste/recycling.php, https://greatlakesrecycling.us/
Parks & Recreation - https://www.oswegony.org/government/parks-recreation, https://www.discoverupstateny.com/packages/6676/breitbeck-park/
The Financial Wellness Dimension involves things such as managing your income, debt, and savings, as well as a person’s understanding of financial processes and resources. A person’s satisfaction with their current financial situation and future prospects also comes into play.
Employment Opportunities - https://www.indeed.com/l-Oswego-County,-NY-jobs.html?vjk=da3cd6e269a1958a,https://www.oswegocounty.com/departments/finance_and_personnel/human_resources/exam___employment_information.php, https://www.simplyhired.com/search?l=oswego%2C+ny
Oswego County Workforce - https://ocwny.org/
Oswego County Opportunities - https://www.oco.org/
The Occupational Wellness Dimension involves building your work relationships and accomplishments by participating or being employed through activities that provide meaning and purpose and also reflect your personal values, interests, and beliefs.
Employment and Career Opportunities - https://www.indeed.com/l-Oswego-County,-NY-jobs.html?vjk=da3cd6e269a1958a,https://www.oswegocounty.com/departments/finance_and_personnel/human_resources/exam___employment_information.php, https://www.simplyhired.com/search?l=oswego%2C+ny
Oswego County Workforce - https://ocwny.org/
Oswego County Opportunities - https://www.oco.org/
Volunteer Work in Oswego County - https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/orgs.jsp?r=20.0&l=Oswego%2C+NY%2C+USA
The Social Wellness Dimension involves maintaining healthy relationships with friends, family, and the community, and having an interest in and concern for the needs of others and the World around you.
Classes and Workshops - https://www.oswegoarts.org/adult-classes/
Bookclubs - https://oswegopubliclibrary.org/oswego-public-library-book-club/, https://alumni.oswego.edu/
Friends of Recovery - New York
"We envision a world in which recovery from addiction is not only common, but celebrated; a world in which the entire spectrum of effective prevention, treatment and support services are available and accessible to all.” Quote by Friends of Recovery - New York

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Working definition of “recovery” by SAMHSA
"A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential."
Recovery Community Organization (RCO)
An RCO is an independent, non-profit organization led and governed by representatives of local communities of recovery. RCOs engage in recovery focused education and advocacy through organizing and mobilizing people in recovery and impacted family members and allies, i.e., the recovery community. They may engage in direct, peer-based recovery supports via outreach and/or services based within a Recovery Community Center (RCC).
Oswego County RCO Meetings

All information is provided for your convenience only. The VOW Foundation has not rights nor endorsements to any of it.