This is a series of notes by Teresa Woolson of the Victor Orlando Woolson Foundation, Inc. (VOW Foundation).
August 2022
August is as tough as July. It's the anniversary of Victor's death by synthetic drugs on August 10th. Just a day after my birthday. Victor graduated from Mexico High School in 2011 with 4 years of Marine Corps Junior ROTC and started college at Cayuga Community College in Fulton for a career in Criminal Justice. He was funny, smart, and so very thoughtful and kind. We remember him and love him always.
LIFT Oswego County - This group was resurrected this month with a kick-off meeting. Transportation issues are being resolved! Stay tuned for additional updates on group activities.
The Oswego County Opioid Response Consortium (OCORC) - I am the Co-Chair of this group which met on the 11th. Harm reduction kits were assembled for distribution. Movie event being planned for September, Recovery Month.
The RCO for Oswego County - I help co-facilitate this group which met on the 11th with a presentation by Samantha Cleveland on Trauma. Everyone has some type of trauma and trauma is different for each person.
FOR-NY monthly RCO meeting - Friends of Recovery - NY monthly meeting was held on the 10th. Looking for Festival Entries & Judges.
Recovery Fine Arts Festival, theme "When We All Recover" includes music, dance, poetry, paint, draw and mixture. Seeking submissions and judges. Speaker for "Movement as a Pathway to Healing" introduced her dance path, which will be in full at the Recovery Conference in October.
The Desens House - Continues to provide activities such as Facts & Snacks, Cooking Class, Weekly Walking, Game Night and more. Check out their monthly activities on their website. The recovery community is growing.
NARCAN Trainings - Trainings continued in August at the Connection Point and at OCO's Clubhouse The SPOT. In addition, trainings were held at East Lake Commons, Champlain Commons and the Village of Phoenix. Anyone wanting NARCAN Training, please contact me.
Luminaries were decorated to remember those lost on International Overdose Awareness Day on 8/31/22.
Oswego County Prevention Coalition (OCPC) - Tyler presented the PRIDE Survey Data on the Schools in Oswego County. This information was compared to the previous three surveys over the last 6 years.
Oswego County Suicide Prevention Coalition (OCSPC) - The Annual STRIDE to SAVE Lives 5K Walk/Run for Suicide awareness is looking for volunteers, sponsors and donations for the event. This year's event will take place at the SUNY Oswego Marano Campus Center in the food court. Service Providers will be on hand along with music, speaker, and support. Please register yourself or a team and donate if you can.
Trainings - I took a 14-hour training on "Recovery Coach & Professionalism" this month.
Additional Upcoming Events:
September is Recovery Month
Senior Fair, Drive-through 9/9 (9-12)
Movie Event with Panel - September TBD
Trunk or Treat, Youth Bureau 10/29 (12-3)
Regular Community Meetings:
Oswego County Opioid Response Consortium - 2nd Thursday at 9 am
RCO for Oswego County - 2nd Thursday at 10:15 am
Oswego County Suicide Prevention Coalition - Third Tuesday at 9 am
Oswego County Prevention Coalition - 4th Wednesday at 9 am
Harm Reduction Works - Every Friday at 11 am (2nd and 4th via Zoom)
To contribute or comment, please contact me at